About Us
The History of The BumbleBee
The BumbleBee got its start when a man named Herman needed a better way to drink water. You see, Herman was a former World War II POW, and a bull of a man (95 years old, 6'4" and 200 pounds). But he had lost fine motor control in his hands, so when he grabbed a water bottle the contents went everywhere.
A couple of hours of design and an overnight 3D print, and Herman had a one-handled cup holder that just fit a water bottle. His first request? He wanted a second handle. By the next day he had one, and he never drank water without it again.
An offhand comment made us realize there was a wider need for Herman's bottle holder, and the design morphed repeatedly over the next two years to become The BumbleBee you see today.

Environmental Impact
Our goal at KAYCO is to have a minimal environmental impact with The BumbleBee. Yes, it is made from petroleum products, but we selected components that are 100% recyclable. As a matter of fact, all of our shipping materials are biodegradable or recyclable.
Bonus Gift
You know that tag that came attached to your BumbleBee? The one with the logo and instructions? That's a coaster. Use it with your Bee or lesser beverage containers.